Visualisierung: PatriciaBagienski-Grandits

Klinikum Klagenfurt, KABEG

AHA Austrian Healthcare Architects

       Architects Collective ZT-GmbH
SWAP Architektur GmbH

Net floor area
10.800 m²

Gross floor area
23.700 m²

Head Center Klinikum Klagenfurt – Expansion CMZ


Klagenfurt am Wörthersee,

Feschnigstraße 11,


Expansion of the Head Center at Klinikum Klagenfurt

With the expansion of the Chirurgisch-Medizinisches Zentrum (CMZ), Klinikum Klagenfurt is adding a modern Head Center that seamlessly integrates into the existing structure. The new building, a well-defined cube with two spacious inner courtyards, aligns in height and volume with the neighboring CMZ buildings. This integration preserves the characteristic rhythm of the hospital courtyards and maintains the urban scale. To enhance the public space, the Head Center is set back slightly from the southern edge of the construction site. The resulting car-free forecourt offers an urban climate space with trees and seating areas, creating a pleasant environment for visitors while serving as the new entrance to the Head Center and the future Oncology Center.

A Connection Between Nature and Architecture

The architecture of the new Head Center emphasizes a strong connection between nature and the building. As with the Klinikum Klagenfurt, generous green spaces and ample daylight characterize the design. The entrance hall stretches along the park and offers views of the Glan River. It acts as a bridge between the separate pathways for patients and visitors, enabling clear orientation and efficient use of the building. Special attention has been paid to the functional separation of flows for patients, visitors, and staff, optimizing the operation of the building while minimizing stress.

The surrounding open space has been designed with climate sensitivity, offering varied, attractive areas. The green courtyards of the building not only allow plenty of daylight into the interior but also contribute to improving the microclimate. Notably, the roof terrace provides a natural oasis above the building, offering additional green space. The facade of the Head Center, made of wood panels, including carbonized wood elements, blends into the natural environment and gives the building a harmonious appearance. The adjacent park is divided into distinct areas by hedges and perennial plantings, creating a natural sense of space. The clinic’s waterfront with a walkable dock is gently integrated into the park landscape via walkable steps.

Well-Thought-Out Utilization Concept and Healing Architecture

The new Head Center has been carefully planned to meet the needs of both patients and staff. The ground floor houses the outpatient clinics for ophthalmology, oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS), and ENT. The first floor accommodates the day clinic, surgical center, and therapy areas, all directly connected to the CMZ. The upper floors provide space for nursing stations and an outdoor fitness area for staff. The new building blends seamlessly into the overall concept of Klinikum Klagenfurt, both functionally and aesthetically.

The principles of Healing Architecture – promoting well-being through the strategic use of natural light, varied spatial designs, and proximity to nature – have been integrated throughout the planning process. These elements contribute to reducing stress and creating a peaceful, healing atmosphere for both patients and staff alike.

Landscape Planning
idealice Landschaftsarchitektur ZT GmbH

HKLS Planning
Ingenieurbüro Meisslitzer GmbH

Electrical Planning
Ingenieurbüro HARTL & Co KG

Patricia Bagienski-Grandits