Visualisierungen: © expressiv

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H., Unternehmensbereich Schulen

S.O.F.A. architekten

Site Area: 5,270 m²

Competition new building Ballsportgymnasium Viola Park





Located in the 10th district of Vienna, the new Viola Park ball sports high school is located at the interface between a new residential quarter and the Generali football stadium. A new city square, Horrplatz, connects these two areas.  What is today an undistinguished, paved-over urban wasteland is to become a public plaza divided into different zones, each with different facilities for the public to enjoy.

The newly landscaped Horrplatz serves both the functional requirements of stadium operations – mainly evenings and weekends – and the needs of a forecourt and break yard for the school.  The ground floor zone of the high school creates an extension of the open space into the building – the park flows under the building.  In the centre of the building, a triple sports hall forms the pulsating heart of the ball sports gymnasium.

A central assembly hall, together with the multi-purpose room, library and dining area, forms a spacious, cohesive learning landscape. This indoor campus offers space for events of all kinds and is a meeting place for all students; it invites people to sit and observe, is a recreation, play and learning space and enables clear orientation inside the building.  An atrium forms a light-flooded and open vertical axis within the school and together with a generous, green inner courtyard gives structure to the deep building volume and supplies the surrounding rooms with daylight and fresh air – a green oasis in the middle of the school.

The structural system provides a high degree of flexibility with regard to changes of use, and room configurations can be readily adapted to the needs of future user groups. This highly sustainable project proposes a Climate-Fit building with minimal energy use, as well as a klima:aktiv Silver certification.