
Visiting the parliament

Oct 2023

The Austrian National Parliament is one of the most important buildingsstructures along the Vienna Ringstraße, built in the years 1874-1883 according to the plans of the architect Theophil von Hansen.

Before the start of the major renovation process, F+P ARCHITEKTEN was commissioned to provide an assessment of the framework conditions for the competition and the further renovation. An overall renovation concept for the parliament building was drawn up, which served as the basis for the subsequent renovation.

The teams of Zornitsa and Roland visited the result – the tour of the House led, among other sights, to the Chamber of the National Council with its new glass dome, which we could also observe from the visitors’ gallery on the top floor, to the Chamber of the Federal Council with its oversized wheel chandeliers, and finally to the Historical Chamber, which resembles a Greek theatre. Many thanks to the staff of Parliament Austria for the great and informative guided tour through the history-filled building!